Cupcakes and Celebrities Read online

Page 16

  “You didn’t have to marry him,” Jenny pointed out.

  “Of course I had to marry him,” Crystal cried. “I had to marry some idiot. He was as good as any other.”

  “How did you do it, Crystal?” Adam asked. “Did you slash Bella’s parachute yourself?”

  “It was all meticulously planned,” Crystal boasted. “My mother paid Rainbow to get Bella thrown off the set. I knew Rainbow felt guilty about it. I told her the show was doing a special segment. Two brides would turn up for Wayne Newman’s wedding. But he would choose just one of them. I told her the studio wanted to bring Bella back on the show. And this was going to be her entry vehicle.”

  “Rainbow bought that?”

  “She bought it hook, line and sinker,” Crystal laughed. “Rainbow took details of my wedding dress and ordered the exact same one. It was going to be Bella’s ‘something borrowed’ item. The sapphire was her ‘something blue’.”

  “What about the parachute?” Jenny asked. “Bella was an experienced diver. How did she go up without checking her rig?”

  “I told them it was specially provided by the studio. It had the show’s name painted on it. Or some such crap. They swallowed it without question.”

  “So Bella went up wearing that chute, thinking she was doing it for the cameras?”

  Crystal nodded. “Imagine the look on her face when the chute didn’t open!”

  “Didn’t Rainbow suspect you after Bella died?” Jenny asked.

  “I threatened to have her fired. What would happen to her poor kid then?”

  “Did Rainbow try to blackmail you later?”

  “If only… I could have thrown some money at her. But she developed a conscience. I followed her out to the airfield, saw her talking to that pilot. That’s when I knew she had to go.”

  “How did you kill Rainbow?” Adam asked her.

  “I knew she carried that metal water bottle everywhere she went. Some crap about saving the environment…I ground some of her sleeping pills and my mom’s anxiety pills and put them in the steel bottle.”

  “Did you ask her to drink that water?”

  Crystal laughed again.

  “I gave her some pain pills when she complained about a headache. Told her to wash them down with plenty of water. She drank the whole bottle. Said she was thirsty from being out in the sun.”

  “Why did you do it, Crystal?” Jenny asked. “You were already the star of the show. What did Bella ever do to you?”

  “She was going to steal Wayne away from me,” Crystal howled. “I couldn’t let that happen.”

  She looked at Kathy Mars, a bewildered expression on her face.

  “Could I, Mom?”

  “If Wayne was cheating on you, wouldn’t it have been easier to just dump him and find a new guy?”

  “I’m going to be Mrs. Wayne Newman,” Crystal whined. “It’s already scripted.”

  Adam and his officers took Crystal away. Jason and Chris whisked Jenny and Heather away from the club as soon as possible.

  “Are you feeling alright?” Heather asked her worriedly. “We need to take you to the doctor again.”

  “I’m fine. I just need to ask Wayne something.”

  Wayne came over when Jenny beckoned him.

  “Did you really not know Bella was on that plane with you?”

  “I swear, Jenny, I had no idea. I was thinking about our baby. I was hoping Ray and Bella would let me see him now and then.”

  Jason’s eyes gleamed as he stared at Jenny.

  “You did it again! You’re one amazing woman, Jenny King.”


  The Boardwalk Café looked brand spanking new. The contractors had finished the renovations in record time. Other Main Street businesses had done their bit and Mandy James had accomplished the job she had been hired for.

  Small blue plaques proclaiming Pelican Cove to be the Prettiest Town in America hung over every lamp post on Main Street. Flowers bloomed in window boxes and small flower beds. Colorful bikes were lined up against the café, inviting locals and tourists alike to pedal down the boardwalk and enjoy the beauty.

  The Magnolias were assembled on the deck of the café. Petunia had graciously invited Barb and Mandy too. The other café regulars were all present. Jason, Adam, Chris and Captain Silver sipped sweet tea from tall glasses and talked about some football game. Jimmy Parsons walked up the steps shyly, looking freshly showered, wearing a clean shirt.

  Jenny greeted him warmly and led him toward the guys. Jenny’s son Nick chatted with Adam’s twin girls. They were spending the rest of the summer in Pelican Cove.

  Mandy was leaving town in a few days so everyone was gathered for an informal farewell party for her.

  “Let’s eat,” Jenny announced, bringing out a big tray loaded with plates and bowls brimming with food.

  Heather and Molly followed with another tray.

  “This barbecue sauce is super, Mom,” Nick declared, licking his fingers as he bit into some juicy chicken.

  “You’re a good cook, Petunia,” Captain Silver winked, “but Jenny here has you beat. Got any more specials coming up?”

  “Something with blueberries, maybe?” Jenny grinned. “Wait and see.”

  The party proceeded merrily and everyone declared they had eaten too much.

  “Asher Cohen’s centennial is coming up,” Betty Sue Morse reminded the group. “Too bad you won’t be here to plan it, Mandy. We could have used your help.”

  After the town won the award, Betty Sue had decided Mandy was the best thing that ever happened to Pelican Cove.

  “There’s a 100 year old man in Pelican Cove?” Mandy asked, wide eyed.

  “Sure is,” Petunia nodded. “We are planning a big party for him. Star is in charge of the Centennial Committee.”

  “You should bake a special cake for the occasion, Jenny,” Betty Sue declared.

  Adam sidled close to Jenny and pulled her aside.

  “What are you doing tomorrow night?”

  “Let me check my calendar,” Jenny joked.

  Her eyes twinkled as she looked up at Adam.

  “Were you thinking of asking me out, Sheriff?”

  The twins and Nick stole glances at them, giggling at some secret joke.

  “Yes, Jenny King. I am asking you out on a date. A proper date.”

  Jenny placed a hand on Adam’s arm and leaned forward to whisper in his ear.

  “I thought you’d never ask.”

  ***THE END***

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  Many Thanks!

  Author Leena Clover

  [email protected]


  A big thank you to my readers, friends and family for their continued motivation and support. I couldn’t have done this without them.

  Books by Leena Clover

  Pelican Cove Cozy Mystery Series

  Strawberries and Strangers – Pelican Cove Cozy Mystery Book 1

  Have you read all the Meera Patel books?

  Gone with the Wings – Meera Patel Cozy Mystery Book 1

  A Pocket Full of Pie - Meera Patel Cozy Mystery Book 2

  For a Few Dumplings More - Meera Patel Cozy Mystery Book 3

k to the Fajitas - Meera Patel Cozy Mystery Book 4

  Christmas with the Franks – Meera Patel Cozy Mystery Book 5

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